Last October, my babies both turned 4 and 3 respectively. Their birthdays marked another year of renewed learning, and countless fun discoveries every day.
Compared to their younger days, they are now more interactive; and can follow most directions with unerring accuracy (of course, during the times they don't - it's usually a combination of not understanding the instruction, as well as not wanting to follow. Actually).
My husband and I, together with the rest of our family all have special moments that are truly unforgettable - be it as simple as receiving a hug, a kiss and an "I love you" from our babies, to bigger events like receiving crumpled flower petals as "pasalubong" when they get back from their walk at the park.
It feels so exciting thinking about the days to come. Amidst the daily grind of meeting deadlines for reports, and dealing with the different characters at work, going home to two adorable darlings at the end of the day is definitely a breath of fresh air.
Now, if I can just speed up the time a wee bit....